
new 操作符做了什么

  1. 创建了一个新对象
  2. 新对象被执行[[Prototype]]链接
  3. 新对象绑定到函数调用的this
  4. 通过new创建的每个对象将最终被[[Prototype]]链接到这个函数的prototype
  5. 函数若没有返回对象类型Object,那么 new 表达式中的函数调用会自动返回这个新的对象


function newOperator() {
  let Constructor = [].shift.apply(arguments)
  if (typeof Constructor !== 'function') {
    throw 'newOperator function the first param must be a function'
  // 重点
  let newObj = Object.create(Constructor.prototype)
  let res = Constructor.apply(newObj, arguments)

  const isObject = typeof res === 'object' && res !== null
  const isFunction = typeof res === 'function'

  return (isObject || isFunction) ? res : newObj


function newFunc() {
  let Constructor = [].shift.apply(arguments)
  if (typeof Constructor !== 'function') {
    throw 'newOperator function the first param must be a function'
  let obj = {}
  obj.__proto__ === Constructor.prototype
  let res = Constructor.apply(obj, arguments)
  const isObject = typeof res === 'object' && res !== null
  const isFunction = typeof res === 'function'

  return (isObject || isFunction) ? res : obj